Statutes and Bylaws

We are in the second space race; the first space race ended with the cold war. The second space race is more complex and multifaceted than the first. It is driven mostly by commercialization and led by emerging economic powers like China, India, United Arab Emirates, and risk-taking private citizens like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, entrepreneurs, and investors.

The global entrants to this race are ushering in next-generation small satellite capabilities with enormous value to commercial and government customers, including organizations in energy, mining, manufacturing, transportation, finance, agriculture, and communications. Thousands of these satellites will be produced and launched in the next decade.

The nations that win this race will also gain the 21st-century military edge — much like the aviation leaders did in the 20th century — and take advantage of the space economy’s nearly $3 trillion expansion. Nigeria is beginning to receive applications for licensing from internet and telecommunications services on the back of satellites.

One of the challenges is whether the National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) has the power to license space objects. Section 6 (k) of the NARSDA Act 2010 authorizes NASRDA to license “all satellite data over Nigeria’s territory”. The question is whether all satellite data includes space objects.

We encourage all to look at the National Space Research and Development Agency Act (NASRDA) 2010 as well as the National space policy via below buttons.